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Badsey First School

Badsey First School

Attendance & Attendance Data


Our target for this year is 97%.

Attendance has a direct impact on the progress of children and daily monitoring is part of our duty of care in ensuring that children are safe.  We work hard at Badsey First School to encourage children to arrive at school on time every day.

Children are rewarded for good attendance through rewards and we celebrate this every week through our Friday Celebration Assembly.


Attendance and Holiday Requests

It is the expectation of the School that all children will attend 100% of the time.  However, children with an absence record of below 96.4% will not be authorised any absence unless medical evidence or exceptional circumstances are otherwise proven.

Please note that parents are required to seek permission from the Headteacher to grant leave of absence during term time.  Any permission granted is entirely at the discretion of the Headteacher, although it is unlikely that the School would grant leave of absence for holiday.

Good attendance is a key to any child being able to fulfil their potential and make good progress in school.  We have effective systems in school to monitor attendance.  Parents of children whose attendance falls below what is acceptable, will be invited to an Attendance Improvement Meeting to discuss how the school can support parents in achieving good attendance.


What to do if your child is absent

We understand that sometimes children are ill.  Please telephone the School on 01386 830325 by 9.00am or email: on the first day of absence.  If your child needs to attend an appointment, please try to make these after school or during the school holidays, where possible and email or give your appointment card to the school office.  For longer periods of absence, it is important to notify the school of the ongoing cause and the likely date of return of your child.