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Badsey First School

Badsey First School

Parent Feedback

Feedback from parents and carers is vital to us continuing to make Badsey First School the best school it can be.  We operate an open door policy and ask parents to communicate with us directly if they have questions, concerns, comments or celebrations.

Throughout the year we will provide parents with plenty of opportunities to come in to school for regular face-to-face feedback.  We also run an annual survey - we will text parents a link to this page and the hyperlink below when the survey is live:

Badsey First School Parents and Carers Questionnaire

Our Parent Forum is a vital cog in the successful running of our school.  It is a partnership between the parents & carers and the school; a valuable way to celebrate, share ideas, views and concerns, as well as make suggestions for improvement.  The aims of the Badsey Parent Forum are to:

  • work together to ensure the best possible education for our children
  • share information, knowledge and skills
  • meet in a mutually supportive environment with an agreed, shared purpose
  • further improve communication between key stakeholders: parents; carers; staff; governors

The Parent Forum meet with Mrs Davis once a term with an agreed agenda which ranges from transition to communication; attendance to School Vision.