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Badsey First School

Badsey First School

Early Help

At Badsey First School, we recognise the challenges that families can face in bringing up children.  There may be times when you need extra help and support.  If this is the case, please come and talk to us.  There may be ways we can help as outlined in our GLA offer of early help or by signposting you to one of the services from the Wychavon district outlined below.  The full range of Early Help available in our local area can be found by clicking hereThere is also additional help available through the GLA Early Help offer available here.


The South Worcestershire Parenting and Community Team, delivered by Action for Children, was commissioned by Worcestershire County Council.  They are there to help through group sessions and guides if you feel like you want to learn more about how to be the best parent you can be.

Contact provider to discuss options – 01905 827391



Worcestershire County Council commission a range of childcare services from general family information to funding.

Childcare can be found at

and funding information can be found at

For support with finding and applying for childcare contact the Family Information Service on or call 01905 827391 or 07872 503058

Youth Services:

Whychavon offers a range of services for young people.  Most sessions are open to everybody with further specific information available below:

Droitwich Action for Future Youth: contact Sarah Page on

Pershore Riverside: or call 01386 554713

Ourside Youth Association Evesham: or call 01386 424171

Wallace House Evesham: or call 01368 446580


Young Carers:

Sometimes young people can be responsible for the care of their siblings or the grown-ups they live with. There is local support available for them in the form of Worcestershire Young Carers, delivered by YSS Ltd. 

We can make a referral on your behalf at school or young people can refer themselves by calling 01905 619866 or by emailing

Housing Support:

Wychavon District Council offers a housing options service which provides specialist housing advice.  Individuals or families who are at risk of becoming homeless should contact their local district council:

Further information about the Basement Project is available at or by calling 01527 832993, emailing or young people can text ‘Help Base’ to 62277 (free of charge)

Housing support is delivered to young people and families living in supported accommodation.

More specialist housing advice is available at

Telephone: 01386 565020, Fax: 01386 561092, Emergency out of hours: 01562 733175, Email: 

Emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people:

CAMHS, Reach4Wellbeing (Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust) and Kooth (Xenzone and commissioned by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust

Any professional can refer to CAMHS via the online referral form available at Referrals can also be discussed by contacting the CAMHS-SPA on 01905 768300

Referrals to Reach4Wellbeing can be made by families or professionals by completing an online referral form available at is a universal website where young people can self-refer and get advice anonymously 

Information and support for children with SEND

SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service) – provided by Worcestershire County Council but as an arms-length service

Families and professionals can contact SENDIASS for advice or support. Information is available online at, via email at sendiass@ or by calling 01905 768153

Information and advice is also available on the Local Offer (www.worcestershire.


Early Help Strategy Document