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Badsey First School

Badsey First School

Year 3 - Class Falcon 

Welcome to Year 3!


Miss Wilde is the class teacher and Miss Ore is our teaching assistant. 


PE this half-term is on a Monday and Friday, with Forest School on a Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit/Forest School kit on these days. 


Please click on the link to view the curriculum overview for this half-term. Autumn 1 Overview



Reading - please continue to read at home at least 3 times a week. As the children have now moved from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2, they have moved onto a new reading scheme - Accelerated Reader. If you have any questions about this, please ask. 

Spelling - please help your child to learn the list of spellings for each week on the attached document. Each week's spellings will be introduced on a Monday and tested on a Thursday. There are a range of spelling activities for the children to choose from hereAutumn 1 Spellings

Times tables - please can your child continue to learn their times tables. They can use TT Rockstars, Hit the Button or another method if they prefer. Your child's log in details for TT Rockstars can be found in their reading diary.

TT Rockstars
We have had lots of fun this half-term developing our cooking skills in Design and Technology! We learnt about seasonal ingredients and then designed, made and evaluated a seasonal, savoury tart.