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Badsey First School

Badsey First School

School Opening Hours


The school day at Badsey starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.15pm.

This equates to 32 hours and 55 minutes a week and includes breaks, but not optional after school activities.

The gates to the back playground are unlocked at 8:30am.  Here, families are welcome to assemble until the doors to school open at 8:40am.  Teachers will be on the playground from 8:40am until around 8:50am to welcome the children and meet with you should you have any messages to pass on.  Children should be accompanied by a parent or carer until they are safely in school.

On our first day of any child starting school, they can come through the main office entrance to be met by the Headteacher.

The register is taken by 9am.  At this time, all doors from the playground are closed and families should report to the main Reception to be signed in late.  The gates will be opened again at around 3.05pm for children to be picked up from the back playground or class door at 3.15 pm.

If you drive, please be courteous to our neighbours by not blocking driveways, leaving engines running or playing loud music from your vehicles.