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Badsey First School

Badsey First School

PE & Sport Premium

At Badsey First School, we aim to promote a love of sport and an active lifestyle, regardless of ability. We believe that PE is a vital part of children’s education which builds on fundamental skills of agility, balance and co-ordination, through playing a range of team and individual sports. Children at Badsey love PE and we are proud to provide an engaging and progressive curriculum for all. We have specialist coaches in school to help deliver PE lessons and provide a wide range of after school clubs. Being part of the GLA Trust, means we have more sporting opportunities to provide to all children.

Not only do we teach a wide range of sports, we focus on teamwork, communication, determination, respect and resilience. These are key skills children need to learn to be successful not only in PE, but in the wider curriculum.  

As well as an engaging and progressive curriculum for all, we celebrate Badsey for being an active school. We aim for all children to be active in some way every 45 minutes to help promote an active lifestyle. This may be through active Maths and Spelling lessons and taking regular ‘brain breaks’ throughout the day.

We believe in a holistic approach to the development of sport and physical activity for all and encourage collaboration and partnership working to make the best use of resources and enhance PE and sport provision in order to raise participation and achievement for all pupils.

Details of how each school allocates their ring-fenced Sports Premium money must be captured in an annual action plan and review.

For a copy of our evaluated action plan for 2020-21 please click here.

For a copy of our action plan for 2021-22 please click here

For a copy of our action plan for 2022-23 please click here

 For a copy of our action plan for 2023-24 please click here.

 For a copy of our Sport Premium 2023-2024 please click here.